BREEWorld Disclaimer

DISCLAIMERS FOR:BREEWorld-BeautyBYBREE.COM-NailsBYBREE.COM-BREE NAILS BY BREE-NAILSBYBREE.COM-BEAUTYBYBREE.COM Disclaimers: BREEWorld- NAILS BY BREE-NAILSBYBREE.COM-BEAUTYBYBREE.COM and or BREE will not be held responsible for any negative outcomes regarding any opinions,recommendations and or information provided online and or in emails.This by no means is a substitute for actual physical exams and or requirements set by your physician regarding your overall health.Before starting any program it is our responsibility to inform you that you must visit your Physician/Podiatrist/Dermatologist for any treatment and diagnosis of symptoms you may have.It is up to each individual to visit their Physician/Podiatrist/Dermatologist,research information and follow all your doctor's directions and instructions. Please visit Physician/Podiatrist/Dermatologist if you are experiencing any (medical) nail and or skin problems.This site provides basic natural nail and skin information and tips for the general public. Manicurists cannot diagnose your symptoms but will refer you to seek medical attention. NAILS BY BREE-NAILSBYBREE.COM-BEAUTYBYBREE.COM-BREE disclaimers:The descriptions,recommendations,suggestions and other statements provided by BREE and or NAILSBYBREE.COM-BEAUTYBYBREE.COM are for informational purposes only. BREE renders advice on what is cosmetically appealing according to the Nail Technology Act of 1985.BREE also provides informative links and or facts. Under this act BREE cannot render advice on any medical treatment for diseases of the nails or skin. BREE shall not be held liable for any unfavorable outcomes,direct or indirect arising from use of any descriptions,recommendations,suggestions and other statements provided by BREE contained on this site and throughout this website. If you are experiencing any medical problems and or symptoms such as redness and or swelling or if you have any medical questions you must seek a Physician/Podiatrist/Dermatologist. BREE is a Licensed Manicurist Beauty Professional and Beauty Care Consultant. This blog does not accept any form of financial support from advertisers or sponsors. This blog and website provides free informative basic nail&skin care tips for the public and Licensed Professionals


What is Pollution


Harmful,contaminated impurities in the air and also in water are believed to strip away the skin's outermost thin layer of Vitamin E. Vitamin E which is very essential and is an antioxidant that helps protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals.

 Vitamin E can be taken as an oral vitamin and used as an additive to lotion,cremes,etc. It is known and market as an effective vitamin in alleviating itching, dryness, allergic reactions and other skin conditions.Vitamin E,also plays an important role with regards to immune function. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant.